Welcome to Riverview.
Our vision, inspired by Jesus' words ‘I have come that they may have life – life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10), is Everyone within our diverse community will flourish...regardless of previous experiences or starting point.
This is brought to life by living out our values of Hope, Trust, Love, Forgiveness and Respect.
Together these demonstrate that every child matters and every moment counts.
Our dedicated team take pride in knowing every child. This is fundamental in enabling all children to learn well. Our school values are “lived out” through everyday life in school where individuals feel respected and loved. We take the time to get to know all our families and children individually, in order that they learn well and succeed. Working closely with parents helps to build upon the skills and attributes that your child has already developed at home…
We look forward to welcoming families to our Open Morning on Wednesday 9th October at 09:00. Please do share this post if you know of anyone looking for a school place. Thank you.
A reminder that Music Rock Band Club is back after school today!
Today in Opals we planned our parachute experiment, made predictions and identified variables #science #ks2 #riverviewcofe #westewell #epsomandewell #epaomandewellfamies
There are still a few places available for Dance Club, starting tomorrow after school Thank you to those who applied - spaces have now been confirmed on ParentMail.
Gold Class are visiting Guildford Cathedral as part of their RE learning about the trinity. Enjoying the sun and views of Surrey. #guildforddiocese #riverviewcofeprimary #westewell #primaryRE #epsomandewellfamilies
Gold class are looking forward to visiting Guildford Cathedral tomorrow to take part in a Trinity workshop. Please remember water bottles and packed lunches. School uniform to be worn.
Parents and carers of children in SAPPHIRE and EMERALD classes are invited to come into school tomorrow, after pick up, to meet their child's new class teacher and find out more about the coming year. This will take place in their classrooms.
Just a reminder that Dodgeball Club for Years 3-6 starts TODAY. It is not too late to sign up! Football Club will start on Thursday this week too. Please let the office know if your child signs up.
Parents and carers of children in SILVER and OPAL classes are invited to come into school tomorrow, after pick up, to meet their child's new class teacher and find out more about the coming year. This will take place in their classrooms.
Next week, parents and carers of children in RUBY and GOLD classes are invited to come into school after pick up to meet their child's new class teacher and find out more about the coming year. This will take place in their classrooms.